Monday, August 07, 2006

Feng Shui

Last night at the stupa, Chris, John, and I met some neighbors who had visited before, but didn't know much about the stupa. We told them a little about the construction, what was inside, and how to use it, and Chris spoke about the configuration of the land itself. Lillian Too is a famed Feng Shui expert and author, and she visited a few years back and gave her thoughts on what we had. Sylvia Somerville touched on it briefly in this 4 Corners article:

Even now, one can feel the sacredness of the land. There is a feeling of anticipation that seems to whisper in the trees and waft through the air. There is a sense of purity, promise and possibility. During a recent visit, Lillian Too, one of the world’s leading Feng Shui experts, remarked how the land couldn’t be more perfect. It has the most auspicious configuration of mountains that embrace it on all sides, of sloping ground and water pathways. It is a place where the earth rises up to meet the spirit.

There is a palpable difference when you are on the land, I know it may sound crazy, but you can feel it. Sedona is quite an amazing place in and of itself, but the stupa land has an even deeper sense of purpose and promise. I hope you all get the chance to experience it some day.


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